Thursday, January 27, 2011

He Gives Power to the Weak

"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
-Isaiah 40:31

I am learning to trust in the Lord. I am learning to trust that He has a plan for me, and that His plan will prevail in my life. So many times I have let others influence me on my journey; I tried a few masks on and wore a few costumes that just didn't fight me right. I grew weary and shameful being these characters, and in the process, I burnt out that tiny flame of Faith in God inside of me. My heart became focused on worldly ideals and fictitious ways of life. I lost sight of God on my journey; I brushed Him under the rug and pulled Him out on Sundays for mass.

God has given my weak soul power. Seeing so much Faith in people that Have NOTHING at all while I was in Haiti made me realize how spiritually weak I am. I pray that God will continue to give me the power and the strength to continue on my new found journey and not to fall down, not to trip over my own two feet, or to get tangled up in the pleasures of our world.

Trust in the Lord.

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