Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Grace like Rain.

Father God,

You have blessed me with so much over the past year. In fact, you have blessed me with so much over the past 22 years of my life. Not only have you blessed just me, but you have blessed all of your creation. You have blessed those with nothing, those with no home, those with no family, and those that have fallen astray from your path. I am sorry for the times that I have failed to see other people's blessings. I am sorry I have looked down upon your people and disregarded them as "unfortunate." Who am I to judge what experience or what circumstance in life is "more worthy" or "a better life." While it may appear that I have "everything" and have been blessed with so much, I have also been at fault for being blinded of the grace that you have so lovingly showered upon me. I am no perfect child, nor will I ever be. No matter how much I do to serve your people and to do your will, I fail to see the many things you have placed on my path. I have failed to be a good friend, to look beyond my strengths to see my weaknesses, and have failed to see your never ending love for me. Lord, please help me to see myself as you see me. Please help me to not be a judge of other people's blessings-- we have each been blessed with unique experiences and circumstances. Help me to continue to be a servant to your people, but help me to be a servant free of judgement, competition, and comparison.

Be my Shepherd, Lord. Guide me.


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